EIT Digital

Doing Better migrates over 100 courses for EIT Digital

In order to migrate from one LMS (SAKAI) to another LMS (Moodle), specific knowledge is required. Knowledge of both LMS environments and experience in the migration process itself. For this intensive task, our experience and knowledge of both LMS environments made the difference.

About EIT Digital

We accepted the assignment from MHASMO, effectively making us a subcontractor, as the customer of the client was EIT Digital.

The Team


The purpose

The purpose was quite clear, namely the migration of 100 courses.

What we delivered

At first glance, it may appear to be a straightforward assignment. That’s right, because the number of courses has been set at 100. But here’s where the challenge begins. The environments differ in various details, requiring us to creatively adapt the correct setup in the new LMS, Moodle. We revised the course structure while retaining the functionalities in each course.

The courses consisted of PDFs, videos, quizzes, and assignments. During this assignment, we also provided training to the stakeholders in Amsterdam and Helsinki. Among other things, we familiarized teachers with Moodle and its associated functionalities. Documentation has been published as a reference so that one can always refer to how the courses are set up.

The result

EIT Digital has a steady LMS that is future-proof. Additionally, the teachers working with the LMS have been trained, and manuals and tutorials have been written. In other words, EIT Digital is prepared for the future.


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